Outsourcing is a huge issue in America. Many Americans have lost and will lose their jobs due to companies being able to pay foreign workers less. Yes, it makes the products a lot cheaper because employees will work for less money and don't get the benefits that some Americans expect, but what about unemployement in America? So many people have lost their jobs here due to outsourcing and are either working new jobs hopefully earning more than minimum wage or have no job at all. This isn't right. Besides, whenever tech support is called nobody can actually understand the person on the other side of the line. When Americans say that unemployement is at a high and we need to do something to fix it, we should in fact do something to fix it. Either offer companies benefits for producing in America, limit the companies that are outsourcing, or just don't allow it. Maybe for every factory that is outsourced, one should also be built in the U.S. Keep American jobs! I'm not the only one who is tired of outsourcing. So is President Obama. He has some reasonable ideas on how to keep jobs in America as well.

Links to other important issues:
Issue #1- Reducing Taxes
Issue #3- The Budget Deficit and Social Security