Tuesday, October 5, 2010

'Ecological Catastophe' Toxic Sludge Kills 3

A state of emergency was declared by Hungarian officials in Budapest because of a flooding spill of toxic sludge flowed through the area. This sludge being a waste product of producing aluminum is said to be toxic if ingested. But that is not the only harmful part. Many were injured from the sludge burning their skin. 3 people were killed from the sludge, an older woman, a young man, and a 3 year old child. So just how much sludge am I talking about? 35.3 million cubic feet of sludge. All sliding through 15.4 square miles. It is now feared that the sludge may reach the Danube and Raba rivers.

If there is that much toxic waste building up, especially 35.3 million cubic feet, why wasn't anything done with it? So many people's homes were damaged and filled with sludge. But this sludge was dangerous enough to burn skin on contact. It should not have been able to build up to near that amount and it should have been taken care of much sooner. 7 towns were affected by this toxic sludge. This incident should be paid for by the company or companies that all of this waste is from. It is their responsibilities to clean up the mess that they have created and pay for all of the damage and injuries that this sludge has caused.  This type of disaster should never happen.

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