Friday, December 17, 2010

Police: Houston Store Owner Kills 3 Would-Be Robbers

On Thursday, a jewelry store owner shot three would be robbers in Houston, Texas. There were two men in the store pretending to be customers when a third man walked in and said that he was robbing them. All three of the men had guns and tied up the store owner's wife. When they tried to tie up the store owner he pulled out a gun and killed one of the men. Then went and grabbed a shot gun and killed the other two. He is 52 years old. His name is Ramon Castillo and his wife's name is Eva. During the gun battle that followed his killing of the first suspect, Castillo was shot and injured in his shoulder, abdomen, and legs. He was in critical but stable condition in the hospital. Eva Castillo was unharmed.

I understand that the man was trying to defend his wife, but him killing other people is not necessarily okay. He murdered three people. If he took the first shot, he may have just escalated the situation. He may have scared the other robbers to want to defend themselves with their guns but he killed the first man so he could be the cause of all of the death that happened. Yes, they may have been robbers, but what if they were a few long term unemployed men who needed money and couldn't find jobs. What if they just made the wrong decision just once in their lives. They should have the right to go to jail and learn their lesson. Potentially changing their lives and making better decisions in the future. Now they have absolutely nothing because the store owner shot and killed all of them. He should have a trial and they should prosecute him if he took the first shot. He may have caused a lot of unnecessary death.

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