Monday, January 3, 2011

No poison found in birds that fell on town

Between 4,000 and 5,000 black birds died in Beebe, Arkansas. It was originally estimated that only 1,000 birds had died but after the cleanup crews picked up all of the dead birds they tallied the numbers to be around 4 to 5 thousand. They have not found the exact cause of death yet but they diagnosed that the birds were dead before they hit the ground and did not in fact die from impact. The birds' stomachs were empty and other animals that consumed the deceased birds did not die so scientists are able to rule out poison. The birds that fell died of blunt trauma to their organs.

Now we as people have to speculate. What really caused the deaths of so many birds and all on one night? Was it perhaps a storm like scientists have suggested or a mid-air collision? Is it possibly a sign of the end of the world as many believe the Mayans have predicted? It gives off the feeling of a Stephen King novel. One full of terror and death, stepping into the world of Science Fiction. The only difference: this is not fiction. Birds falling out of the sky and littering the streets and back yards of the people in Beebe, Arkansas. What else could be the cause of this horror story? I don't have the slightest clue as to what has happened to all of these birds. Yes, they travel in flocks, but flocks the size of thousands and then crashing into each other in the air? It is definately freaky and I would love to know what they find out about the deaths or what caused them.

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